Congratulations to Richard Bauman

 The Dina Wind Art Foundation is excited to announce the winner of the Art In Situ #dwinsitu photo contest on Facebook and Instagram. Congratulations to Richard Bauman for capturing a beautiful image of Spring & Triangle on the grounds of the Woodmere Art Museum! The judges thought his photograph best captured the theme of art in the environment.


“The theme of ‘Art In Situ’ is meant to inspire visitors of the museum to capture one of Dina Wind’s sculptures on site and demonstrate how it interacts with or has been enhanced by the environment in which it is installed. For example, one might juxtapose the manmade elements of the monumental “Spring & Triangle” with the surrounding trees and lawn or capture viewers engaging with one of her other works of art on display. We encourage broad interpretations of the theme.”

October 27, 2017
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